LIC Policy Surrender without Policy bond

Requirements to be completed for LIC Policy Surrender without Policy bond
1. Aadhaar Card
2. Pan Card
4. Two Premium Recipet (any two)
5. FORM no 3815 type on 100 rupees notary stamp paper
6. Police FIR copy (sum assured 2 lakh and more than 2 lakh)
7. Passbook photocopy/ cancelled cheque(it should have name of the policyholder)
8. Form No. 5074/3510
9. Annexure 1
LIC policy bond is the most important document. If it is misplaced then LIC has to ensure that the payment is going to the genuine owner of LIC policy so extraprecautions are needed to ensure for requirements for LIC Policy Surrender without Policy bond. These days lot of frauds are taking place. So even if completing the above mentioned requirements LIC staff may ask you some more requirements to ensure that money should go to the genuine policyholder.