Buy LIC Policy online in just 3 Simple Steps

Choose the plan → fill the form → Get Your policy
Authentic Aadhaar based paperless process for
buying LIC policy online.

Why Choose us?

LIC pension plans,
Child plans, and Wealth plans. All in one place.

You deserve care that’s simple, personalized, and hassle-free. Safe Insurance that’s designed to help you thrive.

Guaranteed Income Plan

Assured Returns

Term Life Cover

COVID 19 Claims

Term Plans with Returns

upto 105% returns

New ULIP Plans

0% Charges

Retirement Pension Plans

Best choice

Child Care Plans

For future

Tax Saving Plans

upto 105% returns

Protection + Health Plans

affordable rates

8% Fixed Guaranteed Return Get 1Lac for per month for lifetime* Tax Free

Triple Benefit – Get your life covered including descendent life cover and health benefits. Contact us to know more. One of the best options of LIC Pension plans

Secure Goldern years(retirement) with LIC Pension Plans

Be it retirement, child education, Marriage or Investment, retirement schemes of LIC, LIC Child Plans & LIC investment plans are the best in terms of features and returns. 

Fun Facts

Why you should choose pension plans from LIC & child plans?

Interesting fact about the Life Insurance Corporation LIC of India.

1 %
Govt. Guarantees
Your Claim Amount
1 %
Shares in the Profit
LICs share are in 95% of profit
1 + Cr
Policies Sold*
LIC has 72% market share
1 +
Trillion Investment*
LIC is the biggest investor

LIC for NRIs

NRI believes in retirement planning to live life happily and get good returns with peace of life after retirement. LIC retirement schemes like Jeevan Shanti, Jeevan Akshay VII, and Jeevan Umang are some of their favorite LIC plans

Child Pension Health Investment

    LIC Child Plan Quote

      LIC Pension plan Quote

        House insurance Quote

          Life insurance Query Form

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          Fill out the form & Get quotes for LIC retirement plans, Child Plans and Investment Plans.

          Buy an LIC retirement Scheme

          Reliable. Personable. Fast.

          Buy LIC policy online Paperless in just 3 steps

          Fill the form ->Get presentation -> Buy policy online via ANANDA

          Buy a insurance Policy – typically in 10 minutes or less. Finalize the presentation, see how our officers will complete the policy online on shared screen. 

          Facing any problem to get the quote



          We serve our clients with the best pension plans.

          Testimonials are written or recorded statements that support your credibility and level of expertise. They also strengthen your reputation by expressing the trust that other people have.

          LIC Jeevan Umang
          Tax free guaranteed pension lifetime
          LIC Child Plan
          LIC Child Plan
          LIC pension plans
          LIC pension plans
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