LIC Of India Offers Variety Of Plans

In India, 23 different companies operating as on 1st Jan 2011, including LIC OF INDIA. All other insurance companies started their operation after the year 2000. All these companies offers variety of plans.

LIC OF INDIA is the largest insurer in India operating since 1956, it has launched more than 210 plans since its inception. Even today it offers variety of plans, they are 48 in numbers ( which is maximum in entire insurance industry of India) meeting the requirements of every individual. Insurance Plan, whole life plans, Endowment Plans, Child Plans, Joint life Plans, Plans for handicapped people, Ladies Plans, Retirement Plans, terms Plans, Investment Plans, Unit linked Plans, Health Plans, Special Plans.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you live, there is a plan in LIC OF INDIA for every Indian. Visit LIC HELP LINE to get the best plan for you.

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