If you need any help related to LIC, www.lichelpline.com is the right place.
Whether it is realted to Plans, Services of LIC, Helpline number, claim settlement etc all the information will be available with us.
To know more you can fill the enquiry form.
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022 6827 6827 is our customer care number
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Our Customer care number for existing policies are 022 6827 6827

V K Sharma

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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.
We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging
collaborations across government, private sector and
international forums.
LIC OF INDIA is govt backed life insurance company.
It has the trust of millions of policyholder. Due to this, It is number one trusted brand in India consecutively for many years.
LIC 2.0
In the year 2000, when IRDA openned the insurance sector for pvt insurersLIC 1.0
LIC OF INDIA established in 1st Sept 1956LIC 3.0
After Covid 19, When LIC became listed company and started selling its policies online via ANANDA
We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

I have taken six LIC policies for all my family members. I am quite happy with the plans and services of LIC.
Mr Jatinder Malhotra
Senior Director

When i compared the bonus rates of LIC with other pvt companies, they are best so I decided to buy LIC pension Plan for my self.
Shubham Wahal
Marketing Manger

The features in LIC pension plans are too good. They take care of my wife even in my absence. I loved the plan so much that I took it for myself and also suggested my friends to take them.
Mr Bhanu Kumar
Executive at Wipro

I need to understand how can i revive my LIC policy. The information on www. lichelpline.com helped to get this work done instantly.
Ms Kunjlata
Asst. Manager